
Cellular State

   To properly organize the regime and the process of nutrition, it is necessary to understand why people at all feed. Maybe those who call for starvation are right and say that then all health problems will be forgotten. Lets try to figure out whether this is so.
   Firstly, human life begins only with one fertilized egg and the body of an adult man is already composed of almost ten trillion cells. Where does the building material come from to create, figuratively speaking, a cellular state? This source can only be food absorbed by man.
   Secondly, if you think that after the creation of a cellular state you do not need to do more construction work, then you are wrong. The fact is that not only man is mortal, but also the cells from which he is composed. Some cells live from 36 hours to several days, others - months and years. Only nerve cells, as an exception, live throughout the life of a person. True, if for some reason the nerve cell is damaged and dies, then, unfortunately, it no longer recovers. It is not by chance that they say that one should keep nerve cells. In fact, every second in the body about 50 million cells die, they are replaced by new ones. When you look at your face in the mirror in the morning, you do not suspect that you see it updated, not yesterday. The question arises, where does the building material for new cells replace the dead? Correctly - from food!
   Third, energy is used in any construction. For example, an electric system that helps to drive mechanisms, energy of compressed air or heat energy obtained as a result of chemical reactions, and finally, the energy of the workers themselves. So in the human body: to build new cells, energy is required. How to get it? Yes, again, from food! During the processing of food, its splitting takes place, after which nutrients are extracted from it, which in the process of metabolism are converted into energy and various substances that support the vital activity of the organism. Nutrients are needed to maintain the vital functions of the body.
   From the above arguments, think it is clear that food is the basis of our life. The entire load on food processing falls on the digestive apparatus, which is compared in importance to the root of the plant.

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