
Man is what he eats

   One of the most urgent topics today is the topic of nutrition. Book and magazine pages take descriptions of various diets. Some claim that only consumption of a large amount of meat opens the way to real health, others urge to completely abandon it and there is only vegetable food. Still others assure that only starvation can save from all diseases. It is not surprising, if from such contradictory information the inexperienced person has a head around. And this is at best. The most gullible pay with health. Nutrition, there is the absorption of food (even if it is of high quality), and this is a process in which two participants work closely together: food and digestion. While the digestive factor is not functioning properly, the body can not work perfectly. Our ancestors, who always realized the importance of nutrition, left us the wisdom of life: "Man is what he eats". We remain healthy until we provide our body with the most important nutrients. Many feel an unclear discomfort, get up in the morning unhappy, but this is regarded as something insignificant, not an excuse to visit a doctor. Indeed, the causes of many ailments can not be detected by conventional classical medicine. Often, malaise can be caused by malnutrition, which leads to a lack or excess of nutrients. Restructuring the diet, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body, helps improve the overall condition and purposefully overcome the manifestations of many chronic diseases. At the same time, the most persistent people achieve amazing results!

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